
Hi! This is Sarah and Oliver, the creators of this website. We are so excited that you are here! I am sure you came across this site because you have the same interests as us (outdoors, travel). Let us introduce ourselves.

So… how typical is this? Oliver and I met on a dating app and decided to meet at a local brewery a week later. I still giggle about our first date. Needless to say, it worked out. We were officially dating a month later, got engaged in 5 months, and eloped on top of a mountain 100 days later. Talk about you know when you know you know (wink).

The name of our blog plane and light became because well... it was simply that I (Sarah) have a paper airplane tattoo as well as a lightbulb tattoo. These tattoos do have a meaning to them as the paper airplane is for my love of travels and all the travels I have done by myself throughout my years and the lightbulb is for being light in the darkness in this world for the glory of God until Jesus comes back. It is a constant reminder for me of my purpose on this earth.

I honestly wanted to start my own podcast that was called the 'Light and Plane' in 2019 and that didn't come to fruition. In 2020, we were sitting at a coffee shop in Charlotte, NC talking about potential blog names and I randomly threw out 'The Light and Plane' to Oliver and he instantly loved it. So a little tweaking and 'The Plane and Light' is what we decided on!

Our hope is to make many memories small and big to share and show the world that people may not know about.


    I grew up in the mountains of North Georgia with two loving parents and 3 crazy brothers. There was never a dull moment in our household (poor mom…). All four of us were homeschooled for the better part of our grade school years (again, poor mom).

       My parents instilled so many things in my life that I am beyond grateful for. The importance of family, church, and the great outdoors. 

    I would say my life has always been full of adventure. 

    My dad would take my brothers and me camping while we were toddlers. In my teenage years, I Explored the Smoky Mountains, the Appalachian trail and learned to rock climb. In my 20s I began to travel and start my addiction to ultra-running.

    Ultra-running has taken me to so many incredible places across the southeast to challenge my mind and body.

    One thing that I had always wanted to do was travel though. Like REALLY travel. No plans, no time frame. This had always been a goal of mine to do some kind of long-term backpacking. I had no idea how to get to that point in life financially or mindset!

    … until Sarah popped into my life.

    She basically laid everything on the table with what it really took to make things happen. How to save and budget, minimizing the material things I thought were “necessities”. I started implementing the things she practiced into my life almost immediately. 


    I was born and raised in Lawrenceville, Georgia by my sweet and caring Korean parents. Korean culture was a priority in our household growing up. My parents wanted to make sure that I could speak the language fluently and have an understanding of where I came from. However, the important thing they taught me was to love Jesus and follow Him. My childhood memories are mostly filled with church activities and Bible retreats. My family didn’t travel often, but I was raised in a diverse school setting and had different cultural experiences. I went to college earlier than the rest of my age group (dual enrollment) and decided to go study abroad in Daegu, South Korea, where my father is from. 

    By the end of the year 2015, my love for traveling sparked and I wanted to travel all around the world and live like a local. In 2016, I bought a one-way plane ticket and took only a backpack weighing about 15 pounds, and headed to Hong Kong. I backpacked for about 100 days across Southeast Asia as a solo female backpacker at the age of 20. The travel bug continued every year after that experience. Looking back, I have now traveled to over 40 countries. I wouldn't change any of these experiences for a thing. I noticed that many people don’t “have” time or money to travel (which I disagree with) and I hope that I can help with that.

    In between my international travels, I was also going to nursing school. I work as a Travel Emergency Room nurse when I am not abroad. That’s a story for another time…

Combining our experiences we want to give you honest travel advice on how you can travel smart around the world with any budget you have. We also want to show you the beauty of the outdoors and how to get outside and enjoy the outdoors with different types of activities (rock climbing, hiking, trail running, surfing).